GetMap v.0.5.1 The getMap/DBMeta project provides a library to access database metadata information in a convinient OO way.Also available is some code to automaticaly generate EJBs from database.It uses native APIs of target DBMS so applications developed with.

Works with output from nearly any database or spreadsheet, including Microsoft Access, FileMaker Pro, and Excel. WebMerge v.2.4 WebMerge generates static HTML pages from your exported database.There is no need for an intermediary Windows PC - this driver reads data from the database file. Actual ODBC Driver for Access v.1.6 With the ODBC driver for Access, you can connect to Microsoft Access databases and import data directly into an Excel spreadsheet or a FileMaker database.UCanAccess v.0.0.2 UCanAccess is a pure Java JDBC Driver implementation which allows java developers and jdbc client programs to read/write Microsoft Access database (.mdb and.* It supports ANSI SQL 92 standard, and more than 230 sql functions.

Caigen Access JDBC Driver v.4.0.203 Caigen Access is a MDB (ACCDB) JDBC type 4 driver that allows to perform SQL operations on Microsoft Access database files (MS Access 95, 97, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010 versions).ACCESSdb: Microsoft Access in JavaScript v.0.9.2 ACCESSdb is a JavaScript library used to dynamically connect to and query locally available Microsoft Access database files within Internet.